Behold the perfect menu for any holiday gathering this season. Our flavor experts have scoured the internet to find the best recipes using Green Valley beans and vegetables. Everything from savory bites to sweet classics, all right here ready for the making!
Easy Pumpkin Pie

Starting off with a holiday staple—a pumpkin pie so creamy and rich you’ll be asked to bring it to every event. Plus, it uses Green Valley’s deliciously organic pumpkin puree that is made with Dickinson pumpkins.
Peanut Butter Black Bean Brownies

Double the protein and sweeten it up! If you like peanuts and peanut butter, then you’re going to love these brownies. The richness of the peanut butter mixes in beautifully with Green Valley’s organic black beans.
Green Beans with Crispy Chickpeas

A savory side to be perfectly paired with your meat of choice. The delicious taste of Green Valley’s organic green beans and the crunch of garbanzo beans create texture heaven in every bite!
Creamy Pumpkin Soup

You know the best part about soup? It can be a main dish or a starter! This warm and creamy pumpkin soup screams holiday with every sip of its savory goodness. It’s great for small dinner parties or large gatherings.
Homemade Cream Style Corn

Switch up your sides without compromising nutrition. Corn lovers are always finding new ways to create greatness and this cream–style corn definitely makes the cut. Taste the natural sweetness of Green Valley organic corn coming to life in this dish.
For nutritious recipes using Green Valley ingredients, check out our recipes tab and follow us on social media @ItsGreenValley!